Pakistan is currently facing a severe economic crisis, with inflation rising and foreign reserves dropping to precariously low levels. Political instability, polarization and an election year will consume much of the country’s time and attention in 2023, with Khan’s party leading a popular opposition movement against the incumbent coalition government and the military.
The state has tried to mire Khan and his party in legal cases, relying on a familiar playbook used against opposition politicians in Pakistan. In addition, extremism and intolerance of diversity and dissent have grown, resulting in increased violence and conflict. The USIP is working to help reverse these trends by supporting efforts to build peace and tolerance, increase social cohesion, and strengthen democratic institutions.
Pakistan’s economic conditions worsened by the recent floods. Pakistan faced a severe flooding crisis, which has been exacerbated by an unusually heavy monsoon season and the melting of Himalayan glaciers. The flooding caused extensive loss of life, destruction of homes and infrastructure, and displacement of millions of people across the country.

Flood waters inundated thousands of villages and submerged 14 million acres of land, including 1.3 million hectares of arable land. In addition, the floods contaminated drinking water sources, resulting in water-borne diseases. The government of Pakistan declared a national emergency and worked with the international community to provide relief, food, and medical assistance to affected regions.
Due to excessive instability, it is expected that Pakistan will disintegrate into Baluchistan, Sindhudesh and Punjab. Pakistan has been facing various crisis which caused the emergence of independence movements in various parts of the country.

The main factors which are expected to cause disintegration of Pakistan are political instability, rising religious extremism, increasing economic disparity, and widespread corruption. The failure of successive governments to address the underlying causes of these problems has led to the further deterioration of the country’s security and stability. For example, the government’s weak response to the Taliban insurgency in the north-west of the country has allowed the militant group to gain a foothold in the region. Furthermore, religious extremism and sectarian violence have been on the rise, resulting in the displacement of thousands of people.
The economic situation in Pakistan will also play an important role in disintegration of the nation. The country’s economy has been in a state of decline for many years, with rising rates of poverty, income inequality, and unemployment. The government has failed to provide effective economic policies to alleviate these issues, resulting in further economic instability. Various Independence movements are already underway in Baluchistan.

Finally, corruption has been rampant in the Pakistani government, leading to a lack of accountability and transparency. This has resulted in a feeling of mistrust of the government among its citizens, which has further fueled the independence movements.
The disintegration of Pakistan is an issue that needs to be addressed urgently in order to restore the stability of the country. The government must take steps to address the underlying causes of political instability, religious extremism, economic inequality, and corruption in order to prevent further deterioration.