Jan Aushadhi Diwas is celebrated annually on 7th March in India to commemorate the launch of the Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Jan Aushadhi Yojana (PMBJY) in 2015. The PMBJY is an initiative launched by the Government of India that aims to make quality generic medicines available to all citizens of India at affordable prices.
BJP supporters in Virar (E) observed the Jan Aushadhi event by organizing a rally and the inauguration of a new BJP office in Virar East.
The event began at 10 am after the arrival of Rajan Naik and Zilla Adhyaksh of Virar. Maheshbhai Patel welcomed Rajan Naik with a warm welcome speech. After the welcome speech of Maheshbhai Patel, Rajan Naik delivered a speech on the occasion of Jan Aushadhi Diwas.

In his speech, Rajan Naik said “5 years ago, Prime Minister Narendra Modi started the Jan aushadhi Kendra and after that in the entire country such Jan aushadhi Kendra started. Foreign pharmaceutical companies were looting Indian citizens, they were selling 1 rupee medicines at the price of 10 rupees and poor people couldn’t afford such expensive medicines“. Later Rajan Naik added, ” Prime Minister Narendra Modi came up with Jan aushadhi diwas. So that people can buy medicines at a low price” pointing out that now people can buy life saving drugs at affordable prices because of Jan aushadhi diwas.

After the speech of Rajan Naik, the rally began. The rally began with full energy. The BJP supporters were spreading awareness about the Jan aushadhi diwas through the rally. Rally came to halt for a few minutes as Rajesh Naik inaugurated a new BJP office in the Virar east.
During the inauguration of the new BJP’s office, our news team got to interview Rajesh Naik. In the interview Rajesh Naik talked about Jan aushadhi diwas. In the interview he said “we organized this rally to create an awareness amongst the people about the Jan aushadhi diwas. We want to provide good quality medicines to the people at a low price.”
Later in the interview he talked about the water problems of the Virar. He attacked the current ruling government of Virar by saying, “The current ruling government of Virar, which has been in power for 20-25 years, hasn’t done anything for the people of Virar. Because of them, people of Virar haven’t seen any development”. “Central government and the state government are trying to provide water to everyone and every house,” he added, pointing at the development of India under the BJP rule. Further in the interview, he said “However, there is no development in Vasai- Virar but as our party is the ruling party of India as well as Maharashtra state. Soon MMRDA will provide 150 mld of water to the people of Virar” pointing out that the BJP government is trying their best to resolve the issues of the people living in Vasai and Virar.
After the interview, the rally soon came to an end. Avdhesh Tiwari thanked Mahesh Bhai Patel for his efforts and hard work. BJP supporters ended the rally with “HAR HAR MODI, GHAR GHAR MODI” chant.
After the end of the Jan Aushadhi event, we got to interview Avdhesh Tiwari. He warned people not to trust rumors regarding Government Medicine. He said “Jan aushadhi’s medicine are of good quality, do not believe in the rumors because the people who are selling cheap medicines on high prices are suffering from loss, that’s why they are spreading these rumors. If government medicines were deadly then many people would have died. The quality of the government medicines are as good as the quality of private pharma’s medicines.”