On Monday 21 November, the upcoming Telugu movie Hanuman teaser was out. The film cast are Teja Sajja, Amritha Aiyer, Varalakshmi Sarath Kumar, Vinay Rai, Raj Deepak Shetty, Vennela Kishore, and Getup Srinu and Satya in particular roles. “The movie will not be pan-India, it will be pan- world said director Prashanth Verma”.
After comparing both movie teaser, fans say’s hanuman movie has much better VFX than a big budget movie Adipurush. Director Verma, who is known for making medium budget movies now, Hanuman is his latest attempt of making a superhero cinematic, with strong features of Indian mythology.
Anyways, the fixing VFX of Adipurush movie is going on as the director Om Raut tweeted “we need more time”.
In starting, a huge statue of lord Hanuman and a powerful hymn in background, chanting the name of Lord Ram gives goosebumps. Then again taken back to the present day where the hero (Teja Sajja) is shown with some superpowers, armed with tradition weapon of Hanuman. The action scenes between main lead (Teja Sajja) and antagonist are powerful. People are excited to watch the movie.