Avatar: Way of the Water was once the most popular movie of its time, reaching the top of the rankings shortly after its initial release. However, the movie has recently seen a dramatic decrease in popularity, dropping from the peak of first place to the third spot.
There have been several theories as to why this could be, ranging from the lack of a sequel to increased competition from other big budget films. Despite this, the movie still carries a significant amount of nostalgic value to its viewers, and its captivating storytelling and visuals remain as captivating as ever.

The fall of Avatar: Way of the Water was sudden and unexpected, given its previous success and critical acclaim. After initially reaching the top of the rankings, the movie has since seen a dramatic decrease in popularity, plunging to the lower end of the rankings. While there are several theories floating around as to why this could be, none of them can definitively explain the sudden change in fortune. Nevertheless, the movie still carries a significant amount of nostalgic value to its viewers, and its captivating storytelling and visuals remain as captivating as ever.
The sudden success of Knock at the Cabin has taken many by surprise, shooting up the rankings to the top spot and pushing Avatar: Way of the Water down to second place (later avatar slipped to the third place). While the exact reasons for its success are unknown, analysts have attributed it to its unique blend of horror, suspense and comedy.
The movie also has a strong following among younger viewers, which could explain why it has had such a big impact. Despite the sudden success of Knock at the Cabin, Avatar: Way of the Water still carries a significant amount of nostalgia for its viewers, and its captivating storytelling and visuals remain as captivating as ever.
While Avatar: Way of the Water has been successful in terms of box office numbers and critical acclaim, it appears that it has failed to capture the same level of interest that Knock at the Cabin has managed to achieve. This could be due to the fact that Avatar: Way of the Water relies heavily on its nostalgic appeal, and its story and visuals may not be enough to draw in new viewers. Moreover, the movie does not combine horror, suspense, and comedy in the same way that Knock at the Cabin does, and it may not appeal to as wide an audience.